Become a member

The benefits of RPCU membership

By becoming a member of the RPCU, your users' or residents' committee will be part of the organization with the largest number of users' and residents' committees in Quebec, and therefore the most representative. And you'll also enjoy the following benefits:

Consulter la grille tarifaire
  • Member support

    • Over the years, we have developed a three-pronged service offering: representingyou in your dealings with various bodies, particularly the MSSS, providing you with day-to-day support through our advice, and offering you training relevant to the functions you perform.
    • Trois formations de base gratuites (en français et en anglais), des ateliers de partage et des formations spécialisées à forfait.
    • Consultation services available on weekdays by phone or e-mail
  • Participatory democracy and representation

    • The right to take part in the RPCU general assembly andelect your representatives to the Board
    • Periodic consultations on various health and social services topics
    • Membership of an organization that trusts its members to represent them in various regional and national bodies.
    • Membership of an organization that constantly strives to take into account the diversity of the network's clientele, needs and missions.
  • Acquiring and sharing knowledge

    • Des formations et des webinaires dispensées en ligne.
    • An annualconference to train committee members
    • Des infolettres au grand public (sur abonnement) et des infolettres destinées aux membres.
    • A reference website for the general public, with a wealth of information on users' rights and committees.
    • Access to a members-only section of our website.
  • Management and promotional tools

    • Numerous managementtools , including model operating rules and a Values and Ethics Guide.
    • Du matériel promotionnel offert par le RPCU (dépliants, affiches, signets, etc.), faisant la promotion des 12 droits des usagers et pouvant être utilisés durant toute l’année.
  • Networking and solidarity

    • A congress attended by over 500 members of users and in-patients committees from across Quebec, a unique networking opportunity
    • Priority registration for the RPCU congress and special ratesfor attending.
  • Recognition and appreciation of members' contributions

    • The opportunity to be nominated for the RPCU Prize of Excellence and to take part in the tribute evening.
    • A membership certificate for each of the user and resident committees at your facility.
  • Documents

Membership renewal

Want to renew your membership? Please call us at 514 436-3744 ext. 205. We look forward to seeing you!