Find your way around
The health and social services network is vast and complex, and users sometimes have trouble finding their way around. Numerous abbreviations and acronyms are used to designate types of facilities, as well as territorial divisions for service delivery. What is a CIUSSS, an RTS, an RSS? What is meant by a facility's mission and a facility merger? What types of facilities are there?
To consult
- The document entitled Glossaire – Définition de termes relatifs au réseau de la santé et des services sociauxpublished by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, provides definitions of the most common terms used to describe the structure of the health and social services network.
- Also published by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Le système de santé et de services sociaux au Québec - En bref contains a wealth of information on subjects such as insurance plans, the responsibilities devolved to all facilities and their distribution across the various health and social services regions of Quebec, the main partners and organizations reporting to the Minister, and more. It also contains some population data and statistics.