About our training programs
Training programs
To support committee members in their role and provide them with the best possible information on users’ rights, the RPCU offers a range of training courses and webinars throughout the year.
Trois formations sont offertes gratuitement grâce au soutien financier du MSSS: Functions of committees, Role and commitment of committee members, and Users’ rights and obligations. These courses are also available in French (Les fonctions des comités des usagers et de résidents, Le rôle et l’engagement des membres des comités, and Les droits et obligations des usagers au quotidien).
Functions of committees
This training program, offered free of charge thanks to funding from the MSSS, is essential for all new committee members. In order to keep up with social changes and changes in the health and social services network, we suggest that committees offer it on a regular basis.
Objectives of the training program:- Become familiar with the nature, history, roles, and responsibilities of users and in-patients committees;
- Learn the legal functions of committees;
- Learn the rights of users as defined by the Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services.
Role and commitment of committee members
This training program, offered free of charge thanks to funding from the MSSS, is designed to help committee members develop the interpersonal and communication skills they need to function optimally within their team and in collaboration with their partners.
Objectives of the training program:- Understand committee roles and the importance of social commitment;
- Develop communication skills and understand the main principles of communication;
- Identify the skills and knowledge required to improve the committee’s operations and achievements.
Users’ rights and obligations
Users and in-patients committees are the “guardians of users’ rights and interests.” To fully exercise this role, committee members need to be familiar with the 12 users’ rights as listed in the Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services (LSSSS). They must also know how to make the connection between users’ rights and the legal functions of their committee. This training program offers the opportunity to learn, with the help of concrete examples, how certain rights are applied and how to identify conduct and practices to promote respect for these rights.
Objectifs de la formation:- Review the main legal aspects of users’ rights and responsibilities;
- Better understand the application of certain rights;
- Identify the responsibilities of users and the responsibilities of users and in-patients committees with regard to rights.
Des webinaires sur des sujets divers sont programmés tout au long de l’année. Restez à l’affût en consultant le calendrier d’activités régulièrement pour plus d’informations.
Terms and conditions
Toutes les formations sont proposées selon un calendrier que nous vous invitons à consulter afin de planifier vos activités. Pour participer, l’inscription en ligne est nécessaire. Les groupes comportent un maximum de 30 personnes. All training programs take place via videoconference.
Contact us
Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les formations et les webinaires du RPCU, veuillez contacter Valentin Bernard par courriel : formations@rpcu.qc.ca.